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  9月18日,2018年德国柏林轨道交通展(Innotrans 2018)在柏林国际展览中心开幕。德国柏林轨道交通技术展览会(InnoTrans)是世界最重要和最全面的铁路、轨道交通工业成就展。该展会每逢双年在德国柏林国际展览中心举办,国际铁路、轨道交通工业的重要人物都会相聚在柏林轨道交通博览会会场。目前已成功举行了11届,本年度为第12届。






  About us

  Nanjing Huashi ElectronicScientific Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Huashi”) was founded in 1992.Company head office and R&D and production base are located in Nanjing,Jiangsu, PRC. Huashi has total building area of 38000m2, in which 20000m2 isused for R&D and production. It has a staff exceeding 300, including nearlyone hundred technical personnel holding medium and senior professional titles.This company is committed to development of key electrical equipment withautonomous intellectual property right matching main railway line and urbanrail traffic, including rolling stock traction converter and control system,auxiliary power supply, and train network supervisory control system. It alsoprovides autonomous rail traffic rolling stock traction auxiliary and controlsystem.

  Productsand services

  Huashi can provide thefollowing electrical products for rail traffic rolling stock and relevantproduct support services:

  ●Traintraction system, including straight line motor traction system andmedium/high-speed magnetic suspension train traction system (in development andtesting stage)

  ●Auxiliarypower supply system

  ●Rollingstock monitoring and control system

  ●Variouselectrical cabinets of rail traffic rolling stock

  ●Varioustrain-born power supply systems, including emergent ventilation power supplysystem

  ●Powersupply control system


  ●Trainrunning part monitoring system

  ●Obstacledetection system

  ●Firealarm system

  ●Othercustomized train electric/control type products

  ●Matchingsupport services for relevant products as well as maintenance, sparesreplacement, and frame overhaul services for various online/site electricalproducts can be provided.


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